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Company Profile

With rapid advancement in technology, LED (Light Emitting Diode) has become a highly efficient light source. And has outstanding features than other types of light sources, such as long service life harmless light, etc.

But because LEDs have a different working principle than other types of light sources, their development and production are different. And now we can find a variety of LED products, both in the form of lamps and bulbs, with shapes, sizes, lamp holders, connecting devices. may include many different methods of use

LED bulbs were developed for general consumers to use easily with the above features. Therefore, this type of bulb is currently attracting the attention of consumers. Despite the widespread availability of LED bulbs in the market, PHILIPS has always been the leader in lighting.


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Our History

The Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission, B.E. 2563 (2020) for the activities under the Section to have knowledge, awareness and participation in electricity

Established YKT Project Supplies Co., Ltd. in December to conduct distribution and installation business Lamp equipment, lamps under the brand PHILIPS